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Last updated: November 8th 2023

What’s Kurt doing now?

This is a “Now” page1. It will save you & me time by providing you an overview of how we may best work together. huzzah!

My current commitments are:

  1. Helping Shopify Plus merchants like HOONIGAN make more money at my Shopify Partner agency, Ethercycle.
  2. Hosting a podcast with over two million downloads: Unofficial Shopify.2
  3. Developing public Shopify apps. (We don’t offer private app development.)
  4. Investing, advising, or both with: Govalo, Kno Commerce5, PostPilot, and other select clients and P.E. firms.
  5. Collaborating with my wife on her Disney World planning Shopify store.
  6. Coursework: SmartMarketer, Foxwell Digital, Skillshare

Time permitting, I’m interested in:

Unfortunately, I have to pass on:

Getting in touch

Book a call:

  1. Paid 60min call (skip the line!)
  2. Free 25min Office Hours call
  3. Apply as a client

Other Options:

  1. Request a quote or interview
  2. Join our Facebook group
  3. Apply to be a podcast guest
  4. Yell at me on Twitter

I know you can figure out my email address easily, but I’d strongly prefer that…

To defend my inbox, we mark egregiously bad cold outreach efforts and all involuntary newsletter sign-ups as spam. Plus that’s super uncool, you guys.

If you send us a message, I promise we’ll read it, and if we pass it’s only because time didn’t allow for it.

Kurt Elster

Twitter | LinkedIn | YouTube | @kgelster | Facebook


1 This is a now page, and if you have your own site, you should make one, too.

2 Have your own podcast? Check out my pro gear guide.

3 In general, I expect to be paid to speak. I will sometimes waive my fee for non-profit, community events. At a minimum, I need my travel & hotel accommodation covered. [Press info]

4 I have not accepted an app demo offer in the last three years. To get your app in front of me, trying giving it free to one of my clients instead.

5 Successfully exited March 2022 when acquired by WeCommerce